"Then you whispered that you loved me... at the homecoming dance. And I felt.. so peaceful.. and safe. Because I knew that no matter what happened from that day on, nothing could ever be that bad. Because I had you."
-17 Again
+ icY @ 11:18 AM
wanna take a break from everything :)
I have Big TV at home, no to be precise in my room!
It's mounted on the wall, and it's really fantastic as
I can now watch movies, view stuff from my laptop on the big monitor :D
The size of the TV is not that big actually, it's cos my room is like so small and cramped with stuff thus the TV seems overwhelming for a tiny room of mine.
Next item would be a PS3, cool eh. My brothers and bf will love it and I can invite peeps over too.
Japanese class later. damn lazy to go!
+ icY @ 3:52 PM
I'm so upset. Today, I cried and it's uncontrollable. Tears just kept flowing. And just when you need someone to be there, it's always very disappointing. I lay down on my bed for 40 mins without doing anything. Drifted off to sleep. Woke up and once again it's empty.
+ icY @ 12:48 AM
Measured my blood pressure today! Measured like 5 times. Cos it always produced different results.
1st time: 107/80 plus
2nd time: 90/60
3rd time: 112/80 plus
4th time: 90/69
5th time: 102/84
She took the last reading. It seems me and my siblings got lower blood pressure but dunno why mine fluctuates so much.
On a side note, I am bored max with work. It's like being in a loveless relationship, just going with the flow but not feeling it.
+ icY @ 5:45 PM